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Eco Spectrum – 10 years in the market

Eco Spectrum Company has successfully operated in the market of waste disposal equipment for 10 years. During these years the net income of the Company increased by 30% every year due to the following:

  • optimization and automation of the production process
  • the growing number of customers
  • reduction of prices for services
  • and increase of the servicing quality.
Now the engineering staff of the Company is finalizing development of heat-recovery systems and conversion of the heat generated by the incinerators to electrical power. During the past two years we have cooperated a lot with research & development institutes to elaborate a unified Hi-Tech solution for pick-up of heat after the incinerators.

The number of employees has increased three times as compared with the previous year.

The capacity optimization has enabled the Company to reduce prices by 4,7 % as opposed to the competitors. The Company does not use loan programs and therefore can afford a pricing principle most comfortable for the customer. The Company’s customers do not use loan programs, because the Company gives them an opportunity of deferred payments, so the final price for the product remains at the initial level.

Our main advantage is daily work on the quality and upgrade of the products, adapting them to the market situation and, first of all, to the customers’ demands.

You can get advice by calling 8-800-5555-912.

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